Hair Transplant for men

There is no doubt that tidy hair makes a man more attractive، A new survey has revealed that when it comes to physical factors that influence how old you appear, hair loss is t he most ageing.
Half of the men in the world experience hair loss by age 50. And some of them see first signs of hair loss before age 21.
In addition to the genetic factor which is the most common cause (male-pattern baldness), there are other non-genetic factors that affect hair loss including stress, poor nutrition, smoking, certain medical conditions like diabetes and anemia, It also could be caused by a burn injury .Hair loss in mild cases is treated by some medications, in advanced cases hair transplants may be the best way to get your hair back.

Hair Transplant:
It’s a type of surgery that moves hair you already have to fill an area with thin or no hair, the surgeon usually moves hair from the back or side of the head to the front or top of the head.
Hair transplant occurs in a medical office under local anesthesia and it takes about 4 to 6 hours or more..

Hair transplant techniques:
Direct Hair Implantation technique (DHI):

DHI is a method of hair transplantation in which the hair follicles resistant to detachment from the nape are taken one by one with an implanter pen and transplanted directly to the recipient area by hair using a specialist device called Choi Implanter Pen. During the DHI procedure, the creation of the channels and the implantation are completed at the same time, this technique does not cause any pain during the procedure, Choi pens minimize tissue damage in hair transplant, so the process of wound healing in the art DHI passes quickly.

The Sapphire FUE Technique:
The sapphire technology uses a pen like structure consisting of a sharp tip made from Sapphire stone. This tool creates high-precision openings in the bald area where the extracted hair will be implanted, this technique provides a more natural look with higher hair density, and does not cause any complications after the session.
It is necessary for hair transplantation to be carried out under sterile conditions to avoid infections, and this is what we take into account at Gravity Clinic.

Cases in which hair transplant for men is recommended:
Men with male pattern baldness.
Hair loss caused by burns or injuries.

Hair replacement is not a good option for:
People who don’t have enough healthy hair on their scalp that can be transplanted to the bald area.
People whose hair loss is due to some medications such as chemotherapy

Procedures before hair transplant:
You need to tell your medical consultant in case you are taking any kind of medication.
Inform your medical consultant in case you have any chronic disease such as diabetes or high blood pressure.
You should stop taking aspirin and blood-thinning medications for seven days before the operation.

What happens after hair transplantation?
You may need to take some medications after hair transplant procedure, such as:
1- Pain medications.
2- Antibiotics to reduce your risk of infection .
3- Anti-inflammatory medications to keep swelling down.
Most people can return to work several days after the procedure,
Within 2 to 3 weeks after surgery, the transplanted hair will fall out, but you should start to notice new growth within a few months. Most people will see 60% of new hair growth after 6 to 9 months.
Your doctor may prescribe minoxidil to improve hair regrowth.

The complications associated with a hair transplant:
A hair transplant is generally a safe procedure. Complications are often in the form of infections and are simply avoided by taking antibiotics

Hair transplant results for men :
The results of a hair transplant are visibly long-lasting and are considered to be permanent , Gravity clinic will ensure you get the best results. One year after the procedure, You will have your hair pulled back. You can enjoy playing with your hair, shaping it, lengthening it, or cutting it exactly as if it were natural .